Bridal Shoot Photography

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Adrian and Marshall Upcoming 2015 Wedding

DSC_6265bLooking forward to the wedding of Adrian and Marshall. After meeting us at one of their friends wedding last year they contacted us today to see if we are free next year for their wedding at The Daniel Stowe Botanical Gardens. I am so happy about this wedding because of all of the wedding venues in the Charlotte area that I have shot at this is one of the best ones I shot a wedding in the least.

In other words for us at Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden weddings bring forth some of my favorite wedding photos yet of most of my favorite wedding venues I have shot there the least. I just don’t know why perhaps it is my luck of the drawer when it comes to wedding photography customers. Either way I am going to thoroughly shoot this wedding and can’t wait. The wedding in the attached photo if from one of my other weddings at Daniel Stowe Botanical Gardens.
